A violence prevention program is offered to youth at 3 of Racine area COP houses in the community. Youth are provided with skills to help them build positive, successful futures.
The COP House Project, funded by the City of Racine, is designed to introduce life skills development programming into neighborhoods that do not often receive direct services. The objectives of the program are to work with local youth and their families to develop important social, emotional, and resilience skills that have been proven to develop assets and reduce risky behavior. Our agency has been providing this program for over 20 years, and we have seen over 80% of our participants develop improved performance in resisting peer pressure, communicating effectively, making positive decisions, and more. This iteration of the program will take it out of the classroom where it is typically conducted and into our neighborhoods. Through a partnership with the local COP House program, we will utilize these sites to engage the youth in these sub-communities.